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What is the set option for?the-set-option.jpg

This option can be selected when you are purchasing architrave. We have single architrave sets and double architrave sets available.

Do I need a set of architrave?

You can use either architrave lengths or architrave sets - there's no rules on which you choose! However, our sets include enough material for standard (and larger) size doors.

What's the difference between single architrave sets and double architrave sets?

Some customers have asked us if a single set will cover one side of a door and a double will cover both sides. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

A single set includes 2 legs at 2440mm and 1 head at 1220mm. This is enough material to cover one side of a single doorway.

A double set includes 2 legs at 2440mm and 1 head at 2440mm. This is enough material to cover one side of a double door way (eg. french doors).

As you can see, both sets include three pieces of architrave. The only difference is the length of the head.